How to Install BakFlip VP Tonneau Cover 2016 Ford F150
BakFlip VP Tonneau Cover: • • The VP Tonneau Cover is a high grade tri fold hard tonneau cover. With the VP Tonneau there are no visible seams. Has a attractive leather like texture. Made in the USA. Installed on a 2016 Ford F150. • • Stay Informed and Sign Up: • • Subscribe to our Channel: / realtruckcom • Facebook: / realtruck • Instragram: / realtruckcom • Pinterest: / realtruck • Twitter: / realtruck • Flicker: • Vine: • Snapchat: Follow us at: • Periscope: Follow us @RealTruck • • Give us a call at • Transcription: • Hey, guys. John here at Today I wanna show you how to install the BakFlip VP tonneau cover on this 2016 Ford F150. • • Okay, guys. We've got everything out of the box. You can see here it comes complete with everything that we need to install this on the truck. It comes, of course, with our cover itself, it comes with the prop rods, the clamps, your buckle clips which we're gonna attach on there. Also you have your thumb screws, which we're going to use to attach this to the siderails which are right here, your siderails, and your bump stops, your seal, and your drain tubes. So, let's get this onto the truck. • • So the first thing we're gonna do here before we even start to actually attach our tonneau cover to our truck is to install the bulkhead seal. Now you guys can see this is a really nice seal. It's gonna help seal this up really nice in the front. Now, if you have a drop-in bed liner, then of course you're not gonna use the seal like this on it. But this truck does not, so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna put it on here, and we're gonna keep it right here on the edge, move it all the way across, and as you can see there's a little extra. We'll just cut that off at the end. But before we do any of that, we need to take an alcohol prep pad, make sure this has already been washed with some soap and water, and then we just wanna use this to get any extra residue or anything like that off of here so our bulkhead seal actually sticks really well. So we'll clean this up. We'll give this just a moment for the alcohol to evaporate and dry, and then we'll be ready to put this bulkhead seal on here. • • So we're gonna peel back a little bit of the backing on this. You don't wanna peel this all off at once, because if you do, it's going to create a nightmare, because this stuff sticks well. Everything it touches, it's gonna stick to, and then we're gonna have a whole bunch of problems. So we'll pull this back a little bit. We'll get it right here on the edge by our bed rail cap, right on the edge of the bulkhead, and just start laying it down on there. Put a little press at the beginning there to make sure it sticks on there really good, and then I'm just gonna stretch this out across here, just to help keep it straight for me. And then we're just gonna peel the tape backing right out from under it and push down a little bit there, just slightly, until we know it's right where we want it. Go ahead and flatten it down. And we're just gonna go all the way across like this, and when we get to the end of course, then we're gonna cut off the excess, and we'll be ready to move to the next step, which will be to attach our siderails. 866-554-0581 Free shipping for orders over $100!