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Punching a bag with gloves is not the same as punching in a self-defense situation with bare hands. Here's my tip for how to punch safely with a bare hand! • ►Click here to support this channel. Thank you! :) • https://paypal.me/SenseiAndo • ►Take my 7-DAY MARTIAL ARTS CHALLENGE! http://senseiando.com/updates/ • Learning how to punch can be confusing. Especially when the gloves come off. • Some people turn the fist, some don't. Some hit with the big knuckles, some don't. Some say you should never punch to the head in a street fight, some say that's crazy talk. • So, what exactly is the best fist for a real street fight? All of them. And none of them. Here’s the rule— • The best fist is the one that fits. And that depends on two factors: your position and the intended target. It's all about angles and contours. • Make it your goal to be able to adapt to any situation. Be able to hit any target from any position. • But be warned, punching in the air will not teach your hands how to punch. You’ve got to hit something solid. The more variety, the better. • Even when you spar with gloves on, bring awareness to your hands. Don’t just think about hitting, think about fitting. • And here's a little secret for you... • Some say you shouldn’t punch to the head in a real fight, that you should only use a palm heel to avoid breaking your hand. • The truth is I teach that, too... but only to beginners! Once you know how to pick the right fist for the job, you can punch to the head without much danger. • So, don’t let anyone tell you you’re punching the wrong way… just do the work to make sure you learn how to punch the right way. • THANKS FOR WATCHING! For more tips on martial arts training, self-defense, and living a happy life, check out these links... • ►READ the full article: http://www.senseiando.com/how-to-punc... • ►SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SenseiAndo • ►Take my 7-DAY MARTIAL ARTS CHALLENGE! http://www.senseiando.com/updates/ • ►Get FREE Email Updates on everything I do: http://www.senseiando.com/updates/ • ►Listen to my PODCAST on Martial Arts Living: http://www.senseiando.com/fight-for-a... • ►TRAIN WITH ME in person, online, or at a seminar. • www.senseiando.com/train-with-ando/ • ▼ FOLLOW ME ▼ • FACEBOOK:   / senseiando   • INSTAGRAM:   / ando_mierzwa   • Keep fighting for a happy life! :) • ★ LIKE ★ SHARE ★ SUBSCRIBE ★ • WARNING: The advice and movements shown in this video are for informational and educational purposes only. Consult a doctor before engaging in any exercise or martial arts program.


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