Haunted Frigidaire Refrigerator Makes Crazy Noises What Is Wrong With It
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=cpSs2jSb5Gg
My 6.5 year old Frigidaire side by side stainless steel refrigerator has been making these loud banging noises since November of last year (if I recall correctly). Sorry I couldn't get the whole period it was making noise but I had to be fast and had to have my Apple Iphone 4 on the videocam ready to go. Model: FRS6LR5ES2 • #frigidaire #refrigerator #refrigeratornoise • Noise symptoms: • happened at 9:30am, 10pm and then again around 12am (that I can remember) • it happens all of a sudden, not during cooling period/when the fridge comes on • ice maker is in OFF position • normal default freezing and cooling temperatures • it bangs about 8 items starting out loud and then softens as it eventually dies off • happens at least 3 times a day that I notice, at most 6 (didn't stay home all day to count so it could be more) • Welcome to Jay Rule Productions! I'm a Youtube artist and videos are my canvas. I review everything from A to Z. • Please subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JayRuleProd... • ►BUSINESS CONTACT • Do you have something that deserves a proper review? If so, email me at [email protected]. • ►SOCIAL MEDIA • Youtube: / jayruleproductions • Facebook: / jayruleproductions • Instagram: / jayrulesworld • Twitter: / jayrulesworld • ►FAN MAIL PRODUCT REVIEWS • Jay Rule Productions • PO BOX 4456 • Everett, WA 98204