Interview Questions and Answers How to PASS a JOB INTERVIEW
Tell Me About Yourself interview question and example answer! • In this video, Richard McMunn teaches you how to answer the first interview question: TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF! • #tellmeaboutyourself #interviewquestions #interviews • JOB INTERVIEW TIP TIP #1 – A good format to remember when answering Tell Me About Yourself is S.E.T! • Skills and qualities. • Experience. • Type of person you are. • JOB INTERVIEW TIP #2 – Remember to talk about how you will help them to achieve their commercial goals in your answer! • JOB INTERVIEW TIP #3 - Don’t be afraid to sell yourself! • Practice your answer to this interview question over and over again! • OTHER USEFUL JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE BY RICHARD MCMUNN: • Watch Richard's FULL Mock Interview: • Interview Questions and Answers! (How... • A GOOD ANSWER to the Interview Question: TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: • “Thank you very much for inviting me to be interviewed for this position today. I have applied for this job because I believe the skills, qualities and experience I have are a strong match for the job description. • Over the years, I have built up lots of skills and qualities that I believe will be of benefit to your organization. I am a very strong team worker and I understand that in order to achieve difficult projects and tasks, you must work with other people, and you must bring in their skills and their experiences. • I am also very good at working under pressure and I actually prefer to be in situations where the pressure is on because I believe this is where I am at my best. I am also very good at building up relationships with clients and customers, and I feel this will benefit your organization from a commercial perspective. • Highlights of my career include, in particular, in my last role, I was praised by my manager for working as part of a team that managed to increase company sales by twenty-five percent. So, I am very focused on achieving difficult tasks and projects that are aligned to your strategic objectives. • I am the type of person who will work hard, I will never let you down, and I will always act as a positive role model when dealing with your customers and clients. If you hire me in this position, you will quickly see a positive return on your investment.” • CONNECT WITH RICHARD MCMUNN ON LINKEDIN.COM: • / richard-mcmunn-coach • DOWNLOAD RICHARD'S 21 GREAT ANSWERS TO TOUGH INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: •