Snow White And the Seven Dwarfs Pantomime 2019 Birmingham Hippodrome


[EN] The remains of the Hippodrome (At Meydanı) in Istanbul. • [AR] بقايا ميدان سباق الخيل في اسطنبول / القسطنطينية. • [DE] Die Überreste des Hippodroms in Istanbul/Konstantinopel. • [ES] Los restos del Hipódromo de Estambul/Constantinopla. • [IND] इस्तांबुल में हिप्पोड्रोम के अवशेष • [IR] بقایای هیپودروم در استانبول • [IT] I resti dell'Ippodromo di Istanbul. • [PAK] استنبول میں ہپوڈروم کی باقیات • [RU] Остатки ипподрома в Стамбуле/Константинополе. • [TR] Hipodrom, At Meydanının Kalıntıları. • • ** We had to delete the music because of a mistake we made. We're very sorry for this.** • • Roman emperor Constantine moved the capital in 330 from Rome to Byzantium (Istanbul). After 6 years of work by imperial architects and engineers, the small Greek town of Byzantium was rebuilt and turned into an imperial capital. • One of the most important structures in the newly built city was the Hippodrome. While the Hippodrome, where chariots would race, was built, the ancient structure called Circus Maximus in Rome was taken as an example. • During the Byzantine Empire, the Hippodrome continued to be important as the meeting, entertainment, excitement and sports centre of the city until the 10th century. The Hippodrome, 130 metres wide, 450 metres long and in the shape of a horseshoe, was for a hundred thousand spectators. • There were standing stones, equestrian statues, figures, arches, and twisted columns on the spine of the spina wall (the middle barrier of the racecourse), that is, the spine of the hippodrome, which divides the hippodrome right in the middle. Horse racers used to spin around this spina. • At the southern end, there was a series of massive vaults known as the Sphendone (curved tribune of the U-shaped structure). Later these vaults were sealed and used as a cistern to store water. Today it is the most substantial remains of the hippodrome and gives us some idea of how massive it once was. • The emperor had a lodge that he could reach through the palace. The Emperor watched the races from this Imperial lodge called Kathisma. Kathisma was in the side where the Blue Mosque is today. • Today, the Hippodrome has risen 4-5 metres and only 3 monuments and its rounded south (Sphendone) end remain. Again, only one of the thousands of stone seats in the Hippodrome remained. • The name of the Hippodrome, which was on the verge of destruction during the Ottoman period, began to be known as the Horse Square (At Meydanı). This horse square became an area where the Ottoman sultans gave banquets and various entertainments were held. • • Click for the exact location: • • • Please don't forget to like our video. We would also like to read your comments and experiences about this video. Thank you very much. • • #hippodrome #visitistanbul #byzantine


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