Playwright Python XPath Locator


In this video you'll learn how to locate web elements using xpath. • XPath is a language used to navigate and select elements in an XML or HTML document. It provides a concise syntax for locating elements based on their attributes, relationships, and positions within the document structure. • If you absolutely must use CSS or XPath locators, you can use `page.locator()` to create a locator that takes a selector describing how to find an element in the page. Playwright supports CSS and XPath selectors, and auto-detects them if you omit css= or xpath= prefix. • 🔧 When to use? • CSS and XPath are not recommended as the DOM can often change leading to non resilient tests. Instead, try to come up with a locator that is close to how the user perceives the page such as role locators or define an explicit testing contract using test ids. • ✨ Full Playwright Course 🎭 - • ✨ CSS XPath Masterclass 🔍 - • Playwright is a modern, fast and reliable browser automation tool from Microsoft that enables testing and automation across all modern browsers including chromium, firefox and webkit.


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