How To Build A Swarm Trap Cheap To Catch Free Honey Bees
How To Build A Swarm Trap Cheap To Catch Free Honey Bees • • Cheap and easy swarm trap for less than ten dollars. I have had great success using this method for catch free honey bee swarms in my area. It is so simple that you can't help not to try one or two of these around your house also. All components can be found at most any hardware store and assembled easy with common tools we all have around the house. • build one today and comment below your success with a cheap and easy swarm trap. I can't to hear back from you all in the comments. • Swarm Commander can be purchased here: • • Yappy Beeman is a professional bee remover performing live honey bee removals in Alabama as Alabama Bee Rescue and relocates them to apiaries away from residential areas so they can rebuild and thrive as a honey bee colony producing honey. Yappy is an Alabama Beekeepers association member that has performed over 500 live bee removals. Yappy with the help of his great friend and mentor; Jp The Beeman a professional beekeeper , has learned many skills to remove bee swarms and honey bee colonies safely for the bees and homeowners alike. • Thank you for stopping by the yappybeeman channel. Please subscribe for updates on his future honey bee removal videos. Subscribe here : / @yappybeeman •