Odyssey Central Rosalina Slander Compilation
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=csLpvdHrtjY
I have been playing minecraft for over a decade and while I do love the game, there are definitely quite a few problems with it. Today we’re gonna talk about my nitpicks for minecraft along with some of yours from the comments! These can be anything from certain mobs, like the phantom and wandering trader, blocks like the composter and tuff, structures like the dungeons and mineshafts, and even updates like the upcoming 1.20 or trails and tales update! This video will be focused on minecraft java edition but I'll look at minecraft bedrock edition for some of these. So join me as I go over our minecraft nitpicks! • • Odyssey Central Twitter: / odyssey_central • Odyssey Central Discord Server: / discord • Odyssey Central Maker ID: VPB-NM9-KLF • • The Greatest Video Ever Made: • • Cool Bowser Dances to Electrodrome