Riven Mods Explained WARFRAME

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UPDATE 27.2.2 • 0:00 Basic Info • Riven Mods are completely unique weapon mods. They required the player to complete a challenge behind revealing their randomly chosen weapon assignment and trait attributes. • There are eight types of riven friendly weapons, these are primary (rifle and shotgun), secondary (pistol and kitgun), melee (melee and zaw), companion and archgun. • The trait attributes and their percentages can be rerolled by using collected kuva from the players inventory. •  0:26 Acquisition • Listing off all the sources of possible riven income in the current build of Warframe. • The first riven the player receives will be upon finishing The War Within quest. • Sorties, riven slivers, login milestones and trading between player are some of the ways to acquire new riven mods. • 1:30 Veiled Challenge • The first stage of riven interaction is overcoming a challenge written on the mod. In this veiled state the riven can not yet be upgraded or rerolling with kuva. • Equip the riven along with any other required items then head out to a suitable mission, there are many possible challenges ranging from a straight forward kill X amount of enemies to the more demending and annoying to complete tasks. • 2:07 Kuva Rerolling • Once a riven is unveiled some of its characteristics are locked, like the assigned weapon, the MR requirement and the polarity. • The trait attributes and their percentages can be rerolled by using the collected kuva from the players inventory. Starting at 900 kuva for the first roll then ramping up to 3500 kuva over the course of the next nine rolls. Every roll after ten will cost 3500 kuva. • 2:37 Disposition • Each weapon has a disposition rating, these range from one (worst) to five (best). The disposition of a weapon is tied to its popularity, the most used weapons are the ones with the lowest dispositions. While the lesser used weapons have a greater potential for bigger and better numbers on their rivens. • 2:59 Transmutation • Riven transmuters can only be obtained from a captured Hydrolyst Eidolon (the 3rd Eidolon) drop. Using a transmuter will destroy all of the four selected rivens. When four rivens of the same type are used a new veiled riven of the same type will be produced. • Using different types will produce a new veiled that could be any of the types used to create it. • 3:29 More Info • The player starts with 15 riven mod slots. More slots can be bought from the market in packs of 3 for 60p each. The maximum number of riven slots is currently 120. • Max ranking a riven will cost 7,650 endo and 369,495 credits. • Beside the ingame trade chat there are several 3rd party websites for trading in Warframe. I personally use the websites Warframe.Market and Riven.Market. • Other sites that I've used to workout the power of my riven rolls are Semlar.com and Riven.im, along with the Discord bot known as Samodeus. • 4:14 Endcard •  _____________________________ • MUSIC • Quake - Finale (N64) • _____________________________ • LINKS • Game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/230... • ______________________________ • #Warframe #RivenMod #WarframeGuide


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