Sunday Morning Service 28th April 2024 Golden Lane Church of God
Jehovah is worthy of all Glory, Honor and Power! Join us virtually or visit us in person let us magnify His Holy name together! • As you join us in fellowship, posture your heart, mind and body before the throne of the Lord with the expectancy that His Holy Spirit will move mightily in your life! • #worship #praise #glcog #goldenlanechurchofgod #freedom #jesus #church #tobago #tobago #love #faith #peace #joy #praise #worshipmusic • • Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism; We do not own the rights to the songs being played. This is for entertainment purposes only, not for profit, and by FAIR USE. The music is credited to the various music companies.