Concordia Choir The TwentyThird Psalm
The Concordia Choir of Moorhead, Minnesota, conducted by Rene Clausen, performs The Twenty-Third Psalm, composed by Bobby McFerrin (arr. Rene Clausen) at National Presbyterian Church, Washington D.C. on February 21, 2016. • • Publisher: JWPepper • • • • • LINKS • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • • / concordiachoir • / concordiachoir • / concordiachoir • • • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • The Twenty-Third Psalm, Bobby McFerrin (b. 1950) arr. Rene Clausen • • This setting of Psalm 23 is unique in that Bobby McFerrin has altered the original text, referring to God from a feminine perspective. As God is a spirit, and as God created both male and female, it may indeed be Mr. McFerrin’s view that the entity of God encompasses both male and female – a God who bestows unconditional love on all of God’s children. In his own words: • • “The 23rd Psalm is dedicated to my mother. She was the driving force in my religious and spiritual education, and I have so many memories of her singing in church. But I wrote it because I’d been reading the Bible one morning, and I was thinking about God’s unconditional love, about how we crave it but have so much trouble believing we can trust it, and how we can’t fully understand it. And then I left my reading and spent time with my wife and our children. Watching her with them, the way she loved them, I realized one of the ways we’re shown a glimpse of how God loves us is through our mothers. They cherish our spirits, they demand that we become our best selves, and they take care of us.” – Bobby McFerrin • The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all I need, • She makes me lie down in green meadows, • Beside the still waters, She will lead. • She restores my soul, She rights my wrongs, • She leads me in a path of good things, • And fills my heart with songs. • Even though I walk, • through a dark and dreary land, • There is nothing that can shake, me, • She has said She won’t forsake me, • I’m in her hand. • She sets a table before me, • in the presence of my foes, • She anoints my head with oil, • And my cup overflows. • Surely, surely goodness and • kindness will follow me, • All the days of my life, • And I will dwell in a house, • Forever, forever and ever. • Glory be to our Mother, and Daughter, • And to the Holy of Holies, • As it was in the beginning, • is now and ever shall be, • World, without end, Amen.