Annulment Scams in the Philippines


Managing partner Atty. Francisco R. Flamiano, Jr. is a member of the Philippine Bar admitted in 2001. He is a former student writer and editor-in-chief of the University of the Philippines, Diliman and San Beda College of Law, respectively. • Atty Francisco “Jojo” R. Flamiano, Jr. as a resource person on Annulment in the Philippines at CNN. • • He is also a member of the Philippine Trial Lawyers Association, Inc., a many-time officer of the Bulacan “Bayani” Jaycees, and a youth leader and organizer in Bulacan. Prior to lawyering, Atty. Flamiano was the Consumer Affairs Manager of Goldilocks Bakeshop, Inc. He also served the NGO community as managing editor of the Communications Department of the Philippine Peasant Institute (PPI) in 1991 and as contributing writer/editor from 1992-1997. • He has successfully handled a host of annulment cases in the Philippines with a 98% success rate. • Atty. Flamiano has attended various seminars in Family Law, electronic commerce, crisis management, corporate image building, management, investment and finance, real estate, green productivity, and advanced photography. • To inquire or schedule a meeting with Atty. Jojo, please call us at (632) 754-8060 or email Atty Jojo at [email protected] • #annulmentphilippines #annulmentlawyerphilippines #annulmentscams #annulmentprocessphilippines #annulmentinthephilippines • WHY CHOOSE US? • Know more: • Montano Flamiano Associates Law Offices is at the forefront of Corporate and Annulment practice in the Philippines by providing client-centered and personalized legal services with greater emphasis on efficiency, cost-management, and innovation. Choosing the best annulment lawyer in the Philippines and an experienced Corporate lawyer can provide the best advice and representation. Expert annulment lawyers will properly guide you through the complete process (research, drafting and filing of petition, pre trial, trial proper) as this can be emotionally draining. • TAP THE BEST ANNULMENT LAWYERS IN THE PHILIPPINES • Many troubled couples in the Philippines today resort to different avenues to save their marriage. Unfortunately, many of them still resort to legal action to end their marriage for a host of reasons. Since Divorce is not allowed in the Philippines, Annulment of marriage through court proceedings is the most appropriate option to sever marital ties. To initiate such, you need the best annulment lawyer in the Philippines to represent you. • MFL Annulment Facebook Page:   / montanoflamianolaw   • MFL's Corporate Facebook Page:   / montano-flamiano-and-associates-law-corpor...   • MFL LinkedIn:   / 6421003   • Twitter:   / flamianolaw   • Pinterest:


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