How to Groom Long and Short Haired Cats with a Demonstration
How to Groom Long and Short Haired Cats. A demonstration and tutorial of a full cat grooming of a half Persian cat. By nature, cats are incredibly fastidious and fussy with their grooming. While they are perfectly equipped to clean and preen themselves well, sometimes they need a little helping hand to keep on top of knots and help their fur shine. • With the wonderful variety of breeds in the Cat world, there are particular things to be aware of with different fur types. • Claire and Rags are here to demonstrate a few ways to care for Cat with long hair and those with short hair. • Relax My Cat are experts in creating relaxing music to help calm your cat and help them sleep. Our music is composed in-house by our team of producers, and uses binaural technology designed to relax and calm your cat. If your cat has sleeping problems or anxiety problems or is even stressed during construction, fireworks or other loud noises, you should try our music. • ♫♫♫ Relax My Cat Music on iTunes: • • ► Facebook : / relaxmycat • ► Google+ : • ► Twitter: / relaxmycat • ► Instagram: / relaxmycat