Scapulothoracic joint Structure and actions
Head to SimpleNursing’s OFFICIAL website here: • SimpleNursing memberships have 1,200+ animated videos, 900+ colorful study guides, 3,000+ practice questions, and more! See why SimpleNursing is trusted by over 1,000,000 nursing students. • Assessing range of motion in the upper extremities evaluates the function of the joints, bones, and muscles. Key motions to test are shoulder flexion, extension, abduction, rotation, and adduction along with elbow and wrist flexion and extension. Grip strength should be evaluated by having the patient squeeze the nurse's fingers. Any limitations or reductions in range require further investigation into potential musculoskeletal or neurological conditions. Documenting baseline mobility and periodic assessments helps detect improvements or declines in status. • #nursing #nclex #nursingschool #healthassessment #rangeofmotion #extremities