Keep Your Learning Talent amp Workforce Management Software Current
Legacy software represents several problems ranging from a degraded user experience, slower processing, reduced productivity, security vulnerabilities and maintenance expenses. • Bottom line, old software may be running, but it doesn’t help organizations stay ahead. Keeping learning, talent and workforce management software current enables organizations to realize their full potential. • SumTotal offers a totally unique and highly contemporary proposition to the market - an integrated suite of Learning Management, Talent Management, Talent Acquisition and Workforce Management on a single data model either on-premise or in the cloud. • Along with cutting-edge capabilities, improved performance and a beautiful user experience, SumTotal provides expert services to transition to a modern platform experience, equipping your business to reap the the benefits. • What are you waiting for? Keep your learning, talent and workforce management software current. Request your SumTotal demo today - • ------------------------------------------------------------------- • Visit our website: • Join us on LinkedIn: / sumtotal-systems • Tweet with us: / sumtotalsystems • Follow us on Facebook: / • -------------------------------------------------------------------- • SumTotal Systems provides a unified, comprehensive and flexible HCM solution spanning the entire employee lifecycle. The award-winning solution for attracting, retaining, developing and engaging today’s multi-generational workforce is grouped into four HR Suites – Talent Acquisition, Learning Management, Talent Management and Workforce Management – all on a common platform. • SumTotal is forged on decades of experience providing HCM solutions to companies of all sizes, in all industries including, airlines, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing and pharmaceuticals. The company’s beautiful technology provides a gateway to all content libraries, including seamlessly integrated access to the largest corporate learning library from Skillsoft. SumTotal also supports content aggregation leveraging the latest standards, including xAPI and CMI5.