Best hand clothes wringer demonstrating wringing out sponges while attached to 5 gal bucket


The Lake City model 76-3 wringers are for sale at: • I am not affiliated with, they are just a great place to buy such things. • This video was made for a customer that wanted to use the Lake City hand wringer for his tile contracting business. So to quickly test it out I rigged the hand wringer to a 5 gallon bucket to demonstrate wringing out sponges which he used as a contractor. The wringer used in the video is about a year old and had been left outside for a number of months in the summer sun. We found that was important as the rollers were weathered somewhat from the UV exposure which actually gave them a more traction to hold onto the sponge as it was fed through the rollers. Brand new rollers didn't grab hold of the sponges very well but the older weathered rollers did the job fine. I ended up trading my old rollers that worked for his new rollers and he was good to go. FYI, this bucket setup is not a good option when using a wringer for laundry purposes. For best results doing laundry, you will want to mount the wringer on a very firm, solid, immovable, structure like a post, wall, or platform of some type as it takes a lot of force and movement to turn the handle and feed clothing through the rollers and you will want your efforts going into the wringing process and not having to wrestle with the wringers movement when mounted on an insecure location.


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