History of Bantu Congo real Israel
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DEFINITION: Ba-KONGO (Judah) and YISSA'HÉ ISRAEL or EPHRAIM, HIPHOLANII (BA NGALAS) • 1)-ORIGIN OF THE NAME KONGO, CONGO AND NGALA • KONGO (H2290 comes from the word Hebrew-khag • Ōr-dressed and belted חֲגוֹר final consonant is often voiceless in paleo-Hebrew, so it is silenced r , which gives kango) understand that, the Kituba, the prefix KI-(the, the, the, or earth, place in akkadian, Babylonian + TUBA H8421 tuwba (Aramaic) answer, talk) = KITUBA. But where does the name KONGO come from, what is the ORIGIN of the name KONGO? The SECRET • Indeed the name KONGO derives from the verb in Kikongo, Lingala, as in Biblical Hebrew: KANGA R חָגַר, H2296. חָגַר which means close. Originally this was the belt, as you can see on the wall photo, below,on the right dating according to archaeologists Edomites between 1400-1352 BC, we can see four KONGOS soldiers (JUDAH, the YANDIS, YAOUNDÉS, YEHOUDIS) and the other image, a nkaka bana kongo an elder, with bonnet, earrings and RED belt, of the temple of RAMESES III, estimated between 1184 to 1153 B.C. according to Edomite archaeologists • So the four kongo soldiers below, are represented on walls in EGYPT from the tomb of HOUY vice-king of Kush at the end of the Eighteenth dynasty under the reign of Tutankhamun. The tribes of JUDAH (KONGO) were neighbors close to the Egyptians, read NUMBERS 34:1-5 and they regularly visited EGYPT. HOUY succeeds Djehoutymes, who served under Kenatu or Akhenaten known as Amenhotep IV, Amenophis IV. This tomb where one can still see the true Jews, four represented Kongos located in a place in present-day EGYPT called Gournet Mourraï (or Qurnet Murrai or Gournet Mar'eï) it is one of the necropolises of Western Thebes. It is a small hill that lies west of the Amenhotep III burial temple on the West Bank of the Nile, just south of Sheikh Abd el-Gourna. • So you can see yourself how the ancient Egyptians represented, their neighbors of the north on the walls of their temples, the true Jews (known as the kongos bana yandis, yaoundé) of the Bible, were all Blacks, kongos, and girdled, and these belts (comes from the paleo-Hebrew word khago H2290, dressed and belted חֲגוֹר consonant final is voiceless in paleo-Kongo Hebrew, so the r is silenced, which gives kango, khago'r- khag•ō which later becomes KONGO), these belts were crimson, purple that is (RED) it can be seen here with the nzabas-lembas (Levite bakongos) of KINKALA CONGO BRAZZAVILLE, of the tribe of merari, now molari, with raphia and red belt • THE BELT is a spiritual symbol of TRUTH, read EPHESIANS 6:14, or YISSA'YAH, יְשַׁעְיָה H3470, (JESUS) is SPIRIT, his name can only be spiritual, so symbolized, he said this I am the TRUTH, John 14:6 • Ah bana beto, the Bantu my people, HIS NAME? Behold, I reveal to you, his name: IS YISSA'YAH KONGO, spiritually, the one who comes in the NAME OF YAH, the TRUTH because KONGO is the belt, symbol of TRUTH. EPHESIANS 6:14 So hold firm: Have at your waists the TRUTH for Belt... Ah you understand that's good. This blog will please you. This is just the beginning.