Registered Nurse RN Salary
Registered Nurse RN Salary information and guide. All the latest salary and employment data for a career as a registered nurse in the United States. • • The U.S. Average Registered Nurse RN Salary is $73,550 - An average of $35.36 per hour, $1,414 per week and a monthly salary of $6,129. • Obviously not all RN’s earn the same. Wage levels vary quite a bit depending on experience, number of years in the job, level of training, industry and location etc. • Highest Paid States for Registered Nurse - California comes out as the highest paying state for a Registered Nurse with an average annual salary of $102,700. Closely followed by Hawaii, Washington DC and Massachusetts. • Puerto Rico is the lowest paid state with an average RN salary of $34,630 – not so great if you live there! • For the mainland USA – South Dakota comes bottom with $57,010. The large variation can be explained by simple supply and demand influences – but also cost of living variation. • Highest Paying Cities or Metropolitan Areas for RN - California’s metropolitan areas are topping the tables again here. San Francisco, Salinas, San Jose and Oakland are amongst the highest paying cities – well above the average salary rates nationwide. • The career outlook for Registered Nurses is very strong with expected growth of 19%. That’s a lot of new nursing jobs - Definitely a career with good prospects. • Visit