Blood Grouping Test Principle and procedure Cell Grouping Serum Grouping
#medilablife • #bloodgrouping • #ABO Rh • What is blood? • Blood is a transport liquid that constantly circulates through the body and provides the body cells with oxygen and nutrients and removes metabolic wastes from cells. Actually, blood is a combination of plasma and cells. Blood cells are suspended in plasma. Plasma contains water, minerals, carbon dioxide, and proteins. Albumin is the major protein. There are mainly 3 types of blood cells as Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and Platelets • ABO Grouping • This test should include both Forward and Reverse Typing. • The blood of the patient is collected using the above procedure into a vacuum tube. Then allow the blood to stand until the formation of clots. Then the blood sample centrifuge to separate the serum from the red blood cells. Normally the upper layer contains serum while red blood cells are at the bottom of the tube. After the centrifugation transfer and store the serum in a separate tube while the red blood cells remain in the original tube. • We have to pay more attention to label the tubes accurately with the patient’s information. • After the separation prepares 5 percent cell suspension for the forwarding typing. • Read more details - • keywords - • Blood group • Blood group test • blood grouping principle and procedure • how to do a blood group test • how to check the blood group in the laboratory • Cell Grouping • Forward Typing • AB+ • O+ • A+ • B+ • O negative • O positive • O Negative • Rh factor • ABO/Rh typing