Repair or fix Interior plaster cracking fiberglass mesh tape. • This method of using fiberglass mesh tape is only used for serious cracks. • Howdy subscribers, below are all the basic tools we use and recommend on Amazon’s website. • • Kirk and Jason Giordano Plastering Inc. • This video explains how I used hot mud or 20-minute taping mud to cover all the cracks. • I blended the texture with a paint roller to give it the same orange peel look. • Larsen Weld-Crete and Plaster-Weld bonding agents have been specified by major architects, engineers, and construction companies worldwide since 1952. • This is the pink stuff I am using; Plaster -weld; weld-creat is for exteriors. • Or simplify your life and buy Quikrete bonding agents at Home depot or lowes. The bonding agent is to make certain the joint compounds stick permanently. If you have a home with many structural or large cracks, the finger-glass mesh tape is the strongest method to ensure they don’t return. • Can they return even with this method? It’s possible depending on if the home has a lot of movement. • The best video online about exterior caulking stucco is below; how do I know? • I created it for this purpose. Structural or large cracking on stucco walls, no problem. • • Expanding foam or backer rod before c... • Our unique tip for all subscribers with a question or concern, type your question into our channel, and like magic, a video will appear to explain how it’s done. • Kirk’s website. • Jason’s Website. • Thank you all for watching, and wishing all a beautiful day!