DIY Homemade Oven Cleaner That Rocks


Ingredients and helpful tips from the views below. • I found an oven cleaner that is not toxic and is cheap to make that works. I have asthma, and eczema finding an oven cleaner that worked and did bother both was next to impossible. Not a problem anymore. If you have a tip please leave it in the comments or send me an email. I also love before and after pictures, I look forward to hearing from you. • Tips from viewers. Warning when doing the warm oven method wear gloves that will protect against getting burnt. • 1. As I learned from many views you can’t save cleaner if you added the vinegar. • 2. Try making the paste without the vinegar and using a sponge coat the inside of the oven. Then using a spray bottle filled with vinegar spray the inside of the oven. Close the oven door and left reset oven night if possible. Once the coating has sat for a least 15 minutes you can start to clean out the inside of your oven with a wet towel. • 3. Another tip a few views shared they warmed up their oven first and then very carefully coated the oven. Next, they wait for the oven to cool for 15 minutes or more and then clean out the oven. • 4.For those who have a range hood take your hood metal filters and put them in the dishwasher using the pots and pans cycle. They will come out sparkling clean no soaking, no scrubbing, and a lot of time saved. • Ingredients: • 2 cups or 473 grams baking soda/ bicarbonate of soda. • 1 cup or 236 grams distilled Vinegar. I use distilled vinegar because the smell is not so strong. • ½ cup or 118 grams Dish Soap (Any dish soap will work it helps cut through grease.) • Dish Soap, Dishwashing Liquid, and Dish Detergent iI use Dawn is. I used Dawn because of my allergies, the original dawn is also safe for the environment. Dawn also is great for cutting grease. Most any dish soap will work. I would just choose what is a good equal that your country has. I hope this helps with all my fans outside of American. • Thank you for watching, please subscribe and leave your comments. I look forward to before and after pictures. You can send an email or post them in the comments. Look forward to hearing from you. • How to keep up with Sugin: • Follow me on twitter @   / suginscorner   • Follow me on Instagram @   / sugins_corner_   • Join my Facebook page @   / suginscorner   • Website: • For sponsor and volunteer information please me an email [email protected]


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