Iraq in August 2004


(6 Apr 2005) original story: G00436 • Iraq in August • In August, fighting rekindled between the Moqtada al-Sadr's supporters and Coalition troops, starting in Najaf and spreading to other Shiite areas. The Health Ministry said 19 Iraqis were killed and 111 wounded during fighting in Sadr City the first two days of the renewed fighting. The US military reported that 15 of its soldiers were wounded in four separate attacks in the same clashes. In Basra, an al-Sadr militant was killed and three others were injured after they ambushed a British patrol. There were no reported of British casualties. • In Najaf, United States attack helicopters pounded militants hiding out in Najaf's cemetery. The US accused the militants of hiding in the cemetery, near the Najaf holy shrines, to avoid retaliation by US forces. Najaf hospital officials said the fighting had killed at least 13 civilians and wounded 58 others over two days. US forces reported they had killed up to 300 al-Mahdi militia fighters. • Al-Sadr's aides blamed the United States for the clashes and called for a return to the truce. But the militia fighters continued to defy the Coalition troops and the Iraqi government. In the mainly Shiite city of Amarah, al Mahdi militia fighters seized four police stations and crowds of gunmen and locals gathered outside one station in a show of dissent. Al Mahdi militia gunmen openly patrolled the streets of Sadr City in Baghdad, shooting at any US troops they saw. • APTN • Sadr City, Baghdad - 5 August 2004 • Al Mahdi militia fighters on the streets of Sadr City • Various shots of militia fighters on street • APTN • Baghdad - 6 Aug 2004 • Day shots, man on motorcycle with RPG on shoulder • Night shots, various shots of militants crouched behind building, firing rifles • Militant throwing object, loud explosion follows nearby • APTN • Najaf - 6 August 2004 • Various shots of market stalls on fire • Fire at market stalls • APTN • Amarah - 6 August 2004 • Various shots of al Mahdi militants with guns chanting in front of police station • APTN • Baghdad - 7 Aug 2004 • Al-Mahdi militant pointing rocket propelled grenade down street • APTN • Baghdad - 7 Aug 2004 • Three shots of al-Mahdi militia fighters shooting down street at US soldiers, UPSOUND gunfire • Pan of militants and child holding weapons • Under tight security, Iraq's interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi made a brief visit to the war-shattered city of Najaf, calling on militants to lay down their weapons after days of fierce clashes with United States forces. Allawi said there were no plans to arrest al-Sadr, but he said there would be no negotiations with him until al-Sadr's militia laid down their arms. Days later al -Sadr appeared at a rare news conference in Najaf, saying he and his supporters would not lay down or leave their holy city. Heavy fighting continued in of Najaf as US forces tried once more to drive out al Sadr's supporters. Explosions and gunfire rattled the city, as the fighting continued around the vast cemetery near shrines • Najaf - 8 Aug 2004 • Exterior of Imam Ali Shrine • APTN • Najaf - 9 Aug 2004 • Moqtada al-Sadr walks into room • APTN • Najaf - 10 Aug 2004 • Small boy carrying rocket launcher • On August 12. thousands of US troops and Iraqi soldiers launched a major assault on the Mahdi militia fighters in Najaf . Among the targets of the US assault was al-Sadr's residence in Najaf. Thick plumes of black smoke billowed into the sky after a US attack helicopter fired an unknown number of missile's at the residence. Al Sadr was not thought to be in the building at the time. • APTN • Najaf - 12 Aug 2004 • Plume of smoke rising over Najaf • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter:   / ap_archive   • Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ • Instagram:   / apnews   • • • You can license this story through AP Archive:


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