Yoga Nidra for Healing
This deep rest for healing is to connect with the limitless energy field all around and within. • Some experience is advised as this touches on the emotional and mental layers and requires you have established inner refuge. Inner refuge may be cultivated in • Deep Rest Yoga Nidra for Beginners : • No Sleep Deep Rest | Yoga Nidra for B... • or • Yoga Nidra Sankalpa for Intention : • Yoga Nidra | Sankalpa - Intention V... • The sankalpa (Intention) used was inspired by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, • I intend to act in healthy ways, and attract the limitless power of divine health to strengthen my immune system. • Or, • I am the ebb and flow of the limitless source of all life. • • Healing in all forms is a true blessing, may we all be blessed to connect with the abundant field of healing energy. • I invite you to settle in, close your eyes, and let this Yoga Nidra journey guide you into a profound state of relaxation. I’d love to hear how this practice resonates with you—please feel free to share in the comments.