What is VP8



http://www.lockergnome.com /media/2011/08/08/why-webm-is-not-going-to-be-royalty-free/ • http://www.lockergnome.com /media/2011/08/08/what-is-webm/ • In short, VP8 is an open video compression format. Google, after acquiring On2 Technologies, released VP8 in an open-source format as part of its WebM project. Essentially, VP8 is a video codec, much like H.264. Where it shows promise is by allowing service like Skype (which uses VP7) to operate under HTML 5 in a web-based Skype player. • In this video, LockerGnome's Brandon Wirtz breaks down the facts and explains what Google's release of VP8 actually means, and how it could impact your web-browsing experience. • http://lockergnome.com •   / chrispirillo   •   / chrispirillo  


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