LTIMINDTREE onboarding Internship 2023
In this video, we are thrilled to share the details of the LTI Mindtree IGNITE - 8th Semester Internship Program. This program is designed for students in their 8th semester of graduation who have been selected to join LTI Mindtree. The program aims to provide a comprehensive onboarding experience to the interns and prepare them for their future roles in the company. • During the 6-week program, the interns will get a chance to work on live projects and gain hands-on experience of working in a professional environment. They will also have the opportunity to develop both technical and soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. • At the end of the program, the interns will be evaluated based on their performance, and those who meet the required criteria will be offered a full-time position at LTI Mindtree. • If you are a student in your 8th semester of graduation and are interested in kickstarting your career in the IT industry, this program is a great opportunity for you. Make sure to apply and take advantage of this amazing opportunity. • Don't forget to use the hashtags LTIMindtreeIGNITE #8thSemesterInternship #ITIndustry CareerOpportunities in your posts to spread the word and help others take advantage of this amazing opportunity. • • #firstdayofficeatmindtree • #mindtreeoffice • #mindtreeonboardingupdate • #officetour • #workfromoffice • #hyderabaditcompany • #softwareengineer • #microsoftengineer • #officelife • #mindtreehyderabad • #mindtreeonboardingupdate • #mindtreeonboardingprocess