Im How Old IRL s2 e3
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ 🔅 Check out Boll Branch at: • Mama Natural Birth Course is reopening soon! • On August 8, the day before we left for Florida, we had a huge party for family and friends. It was really special to see all of our Chicago friends there, a lot of my soul sisters, as well as my parents. And it was really emotional too! We were leaving Chicago the following day, so this was goodbye. • It also happened to be my birthday. • But not just any birthday. This was a BIG one. You know, one of those birthdays that end in a zero. • In this week's IRL, I'll tell ya all about it. • • THANK YOU FOR WATCHING AND SUBSCRIBING! • ❤️❤️❤️ • Genevieve Howland, aka Mama Natural • Bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy Childbirth ➡️ • Co-Founder of • FB: • IG: / mamanatural • Pin: / mamanatural