Physics 9th Chapter 01 Lecture 05 Vernier Callipers English Medium


In this lecture, we will be discussing the Vernier Callipers, their working and how to take a reading on them. Vernier Callipers are precision measuring instruments, used to accurately measure distances between two opposite sides of an object. They consist of two jaws, a main scale, and a Vernier scale. • The main scale is marked in millimetres or centimetres and the Vernier scale is marked in divisions of the main scale. The divisions on the main scale are much larger than those on the Vernier scale, which allows the instrument to be more accurate. The Vernier scale is positioned so that it can slide or rotate relative to the main scale. • The Vernier Callipers work by allowing the user to read the measurement from the main scale and the Vernier scale together. The user first reads the measurement from the main scale and then read the Vernier scale to get the decimal reading. This decimal reading is then added to the main scale reading to get the final measurement. • To take a reading on Vernier Callipers, the user must first ensure that the jaws are firmly closed around the object. Then, the user must observe the main scale and the Vernier scale together and note down the reading. • Get Instant 100% Free Access to Video Lectures Mock Examinations of PCTB Insaf Academy: • #PCTB #InsafAcademy #Physics9th


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