Farming The BEST Rune Spot Until I Find a Ber


Loot highlights from running Lower Kurast(LK) for a BER rune in Diablo 2: Resurrected. These might be the luckiest LK runs ever. • After finding a jah rune from the countess (from a champion ghost) in a recent video, I found myself closer than ever before to having a self-made single-player Enigma rune word. Something I have never had before in Diablo 2. • So I headed to Lower Kurast since it’s the most efficient place to farm high runes, specifically Ber runes, in single-player Diablo 2. The runs were done with a sorceress with 105+%fcr (couldn’t hit 200…) and with a /players 7 setting. • I'm not leaving LK until I find the Ber to go with my Jah from the countess, so that I can finally make my first ever single player enigma. • Video where I found the jah rune:    • I Found a Jah Rune While Farming Keys...   • If you want to know more about lower kurast rune hunting, ​⁠​⁠‪@MrLlamaSC‬ made a guide explaining lower kurast farming and super chests in general in this video:    • Diablo 2 - How to find CRAZY HIGH RUN...   • ---------- • To support the channel, consider becoming a member: •    / @zarfen   • ---------- • After finding a Jah rune at the countess, I only needed a Ber rune to make my first ever single player enigma! I considered running the countess and cube ist and mid runes up to a Ber, but then I did the math and decided to go to Lower Kurast instead 😅 • ---------- • Diablo 2 Resurrected • Diablo II Resurrected • #d2r #d2 #diablo #diablo2 #diablo2resurrected


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