Zodiac MX6 Not Turning Replacing the Direction Control Device Side A

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In this series of videos I go over replacing parts in your Zodiac MX6 if it is not moving in the pool or not turning. The thing I really like about the MX6 vs the MX8 is how easy it is to work on. Not that the MX8 is difficult, but there are less parts in the MX6 and it just is compact and easier to work on. • One of the drawbacks of the MX6 is all of the moving parts wear out over time. Fortunately the parts are inexpensive and easy to install. I would say after 1 ½ to 2 years you will need to start to replace some parts, and this depends on the pool run time also. But figure at the 2 year mark replacing all of these parts featured in this video series would be a good idea. • This first video covers what to do if the MX6 stops going thru it's turn cycle. Very common in the MX8 but less common in the MX6 since there is only one Directional Device in it. The MX6 uses the Directional Device Side A, part #R0524700 – you will often see it listed for the MX8 like this “Baracuda R0524700 Side A Direction Control Device Replacement for Baracuda MX8 Pool Cleaner.” • The same part is used for both cleaners. • Here it is on Amazon.com for around $20.00: • https://www.amazon.com/Baracuda-R0524... • I prefer the MX6 over the MX8 for the simple reason that it only has one Directional Device. It does a great job of turning out of the step areas and corners and is less prone to breaking down. With that said if the MX6 stops turning this is the part that needs to be replaced. • All you will need is a Phillips screwdriver and there are just two screws holding it on. Very simple and easy. Once you change the Directional Device the MX6 should go thru it's normal turn cycle. • If your MX6 is not moving well in the pool but turning okay it may be another issue. Refer to these other three videos if it is not moving or moving very slowly in the pool. • • Videos in this series: • Zodiac MX6 Not Turning: Replacing the Direction Control Device - Side A:    • Zodiac MX6 Not Turning: Replacing the...   (Watching now) • Zodiac MX6 Not Moving Part 1: Changing the Tracks:    • Zodiac MX6 Not Moving Part 1: Changin...   • Zodiac MX6 Not Moving Part 2: Replacing the Engine Assembly    • Zodiac MX6 Not Moving Part 2: Replaci...   • Zodiac MX6 Not Moving Part 3: Changing the Cyclonic Turbine:    • Zodiac MX6 Not Moving Part 3: Changin...   • For more videos covering the MX6 including adding the Cyclonic Scrubbing Kit to the unit refer to these videos below. • Related Videos: • Zodiac MX6 Pool Cleaner Review:    • Zodiac MX6 Pool Cleaner Review   • Installing A Zodiac MX6 or MX8 Automatic Pool cleaner:    • Installing A Zodiac MX6 or MX8 Automa...   • Zodiac MX6 Elite - Adding the Cyclonic Scrubbing Kit to Your MX6:    • Zodiac  MX6 Elite  - Adding the Cyclo...   • SkimmerMotion Adapter to connect to Zodiac MX8, MX6, X7, T3 and T5:    • SkimmerMotion Adapter to connect to Z...   • Zodiac MX8 vs the NEW Zodiac MX6: Side by Side Comparison:    • Zodiac MX8 vs the NEW Zodiac MX6: Sid...   • If your in the market for a bigger cleaner, here are the videos I filmed on the MX8 Elite. • MX8 Elite Videos: • Zodiac® MX8™ Elite Automatic Suction Side Pool Cleaner:    • Zodiac® MX8™ Elite Automatic Suction ...   • Zodiac® MX8™ Elite Installation (MX8 and MX6):    • Zodiac® MX8™ Elite Installation (MX8 ...   • Cyclonic Scrubbing Kit:    • Cyclonic Scrubbing Kit - Retrofit Kit...   • Cleaning Algae From Your Pool - MX8 Elite’s Active Scrubbing Action Works!:    • Cleaning Algae From Your Pool - MX8 E...   • You can comment or email me if you have any questions about either the MX6 or MX8 cleaners. They are great cleaners that are both very easy to work on. • Visit my Website: http://www.swimmingpoollearning.com/ • YouTube Video Index – A list of all of my videos: • http://poolmandave.blogspot.com/2014/... • • Follow Me: • Google +: https://plus.google.com/+MrDgvb1/posts • Blogger: http://poolmandave.blogspot.com/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Youtub... • Twitter:   / mrdgvb1   • If you found this video helpful, please visit my website, any donation is greatly appreciated. Visit WEBSITE: http://www.swimmingpoollearning.com/


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