INAV Airmode and Motor Stop on Multirotors and Fixed Wings
Support my work / pawelspychalski • The Motor Stop feature is with us for ages. MultiWii had it, Cleanflight had it. OpenPilot also had it I think. Airmode is with us for years. And it does not mean that it was not present before Betaflight called it Airmode. It only had a different name in OpenPilot for example. • What are Motor Stop and Airmode features in INAV and how do they differ from each other when used on multirotors and fixed-wing airplanes? Should you use Motor Stop on a multirotor? Should you use Airmode on a fixed-wing? Long story short: • On multirotors, Motor Stop not recommended to use while Airmode is recommended to use. More than that, you can not use them both at the same time, since they exclude each other! • On fixed-wing aircrafts Motor Stop and Airmode are highly advised to use together. • ✅Patreon / pawelspychalski • ✅Banggood affiliate • ✅Paypal • ✅Facebook / quadmeup • ✅Discord server • ✅T-shirts