Cannibal is Bigger than Vhagar and Balerion HOTD
During the time of Aegon's Conquest, Meraxes was bigger than Vhagar. However, it never had a chance to grow to a size close to Balerion because it died quite early. Nevertheless, had it lived as long as Vhagar did, Meraxes could have been just as big as Balerion. And because Meraxes is smaller than Vhagar's prime size, there is a good chance that this dragon was just as big or slightly bigger than the Cannibal, who was said to be incredibly large and was much larger than the large Sheepstealer. • Also Watch: • Is Cannibal Bigger Than Balerion and Vhagar | House of The Dragon • • Is Cannibal Bigger Than Balerion and ... • Balerion The Black Dread in HOTD Season 2? • • Balerion The Black Dread in HOTD Seas... • All 17 Dragons in House of The Dragon | Finale Explained Everything about season 2 • • All 17 Dragons in House of The Dragon...