Karwieńskie Błoto w pigułce Lato 2023
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=dUL2wLKzoeg
Karwieńskie Błoto. Summer 2023. • Basically Karwieńskie Błota Second and First. A holiday village with a very long beach, which is about 6 km - I counted as many as 16 entrances to the beach - so there are no crowds. There are also no hotels, fancy holiday resorts, a center with booths and tourist noise. Here in Karwieński Błota there is a paradise for motorhomes, tents and campsites. Such a survival rest :-). • (Kaszb. Karwiańsczé Błoto or also Holãdra, Holãdrë, Karwieńsczé Błoto, German Karwenbruch) • Music: DAAB - Hairdresser on the beach :-) • #rokym #baltic #rest • https://kreatorpodrozy.pl