Bachs own score Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf motet


★★★ My playlist with BACH family motets: •    • BACH - Motets   • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): • DER GEIST HILFT UNSRER SCHWACHHEIT AUF • (BWV 226) • 00:06 - 02:47 : Der Geist hilft (SATBSATB) • 02:47 - 04:01 : Sondern der Geist (SATBSATB) • 04:01 - 06:34 : Der aber die Herzen (SATB) • 06:34 - 08:16 : Chorale (SATB) • This video features Bach's own autograph score of the motet. It is one of four motets, in which Bach deploys a double chorus (meaning two 4-part choruses). The most famous of the other three is probably 'Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied', the one which Mozart heard in Leipzig in 1789, and which impressed him deeply. • 'Der Geist hilft' was composed and performed in connection with the funeral of the Thomas School Rector Johann Heinrich Ernesti in October 1729. This is the only Bach motet, for which the circumstances regarding the first performance is known with certainty. However, as Daniel Melamed outlines in his book 'J.S. Bach and the German motet', it may have been partly based on material previously composed by Bach. An interesting observation is that some pages look like Bach's rough composing hand, whereas others are clearly a fair-copy script. • 'Der Geist hilft' is the only Bach motet for which an authentic set of doubling instrumental parts has survived. Bach's practise here is to accompagny the voices of the first chorus with strings, and the voices of the second chorus with woodwinds. The current recording follows this practise. • As you will see, the fugue 'Der aber die Herzen forschet' is written out for double chorus, but actually the voices of the two choirs are identical, except for a few bars where the second basses drop an octave as compared with the first basses. One can only guess why Bach made the effort of writing it out for double chorus. The concluding chorale (also for one 4-part chorus) is not contained in the autograph score, but is only written out for the individual voice parts. It may be that the chorale was not part of the motet initially but was added later. • This is my favourite Bach motet and recording of the same. The tempo is perfect, and it has a great rhythmical drive, which owes much to the instrumental accompaniment. I have myself taking part in performances of the motet (singing 2. bass), which was great experiences. I can also recommend the recording of Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Stockholm Bach Choir. Especially with respect to Bach's 4-part motet 'Lobet den Herrn all Heiden', his recording is the supreme one. • If you want to read an analyze of the music and text of this great motet, I can recommend that you follow this link: • • The autograph score by Bach can be found here: • • ***** • Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf, • denn wir wissen nicht, was wir beten sollen, wie sich's gebühret; • sondern der Geist selbst vertritt uns aufs beste mit unaussprechlichem Seufzen. • Der aber die Herzen forschet, der weiß, was des Geistes Sinn sei; • denn er vertritt die Heiligen nach dem, das Gott gefället. • (Römer 8, 26-27) • Du heilige Brunst, süßer Trost • Nun hilf uns, fröhlich und getrost • In deinem Dienst beständig bleiben, • Die Trübsal uns nicht abtreiben. • O Herr, durch dein Kraft uns bereit • Und stärk des Fleisches Blödigkeit, • Dass wir hie ritterlich ringen, • Durch Tod und Leben zu dir dringen. • Halleluja, halleluja. • (Martin Luther, 1524) • Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: • for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: • but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. • And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, • because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. • (Romans 8, 26-27) • O thou holy flame, comfort sweet, • Now help us, joyful and content • To bide forever in thy service, • That sadness may not cast us out. • O Lord, through thy might us prepare; • Make strong the weakness of our flesh, • That we here gallantly may strive • Through death and life to reach thy presence. • Hallelujah, hallelujah. • (Martin Luther, 1524) • The Monteverdi Choir • The English Baroque Soloists • Directed by John Eliot Gardiner • ♥♥♥♥♥ • I put a lot of efforts into my videos. • If you like my work, consider supporting me with a small donation. • You can use this link (my real name is Niels Brandt): • • ♥♥♥♥♥ • ★★★ Check out my Bach site: • BACH Quotes - Delve into Bach, his music and vast influences • Powered by quotations by prominent people from past to present •


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