暮鼓晚鐘 普賢警眾偈 金剛山
暮鼓晚鐘 普賢警眾偈 #金剛山 • 是日已過,命亦隨減,如少水魚,斯有何樂? • 當勤精進,如救頭燃,但念無常,慎勿放逸。 ──〈普賢警眾偈〉 • 佛陀在《法句經》中對世人的教誨:『過去已去,未來未至,現在念佛。』這句經猶如一面明鏡,映照出生命的流轉如同暮鼓晚鐘,每一時刻的流逝,都在提醒我們,生命的脆弱和短促。 生活,如風中的花瓣,匆匆而過,轉瞬即逝。因此,我們應當珍惜每一個當下,不放過修行的機會。佛法,是我們生命的指南,心靈的燈塔,引領我們穿越人生的波濤,走向智慧光明寧靜安穩的彼岸。 這個世界,總是充滿了喧囂和煩擾,令人心煩氣躁。在這紛擾之中,讓我們反思暮鼓晚鐘的警示,即便在喧囂中也能保持內心的平靜。這不僅是對自己的一種愛與呵護,也是對周遭的人們,給予慈悲關懷。 讓我們繼續勤奮修行,進一步接近心靈的故鄉,並以佛法的智慧來引領自己的生命。唯有如此,我們才能夠在這有限的時光中,找到真正的幸福,並將它傳遞給其他眾生。 • The day has passed, life has diminished with it, much like a fish in dwindling waters. What joy is there in this? • Be diligent and steadfast, like saving a burning head. Keep in mind the impermanence of life and do not be careless. — From the 'Verse of Samantabhadra's Admonition' • In the 'Dhammapada,' the Buddha teaches us, 'The past is already gone, the future is not yet here, there's only one moment for you to live.' This teaching is like a bright mirror, reflecting the fleeting nature of life, like the evening drum and the morning bell, reminding us of the fragility and brevity of life. Life, like petals in the wind, passes swiftly and is gone in the blink of an eye. Therefore, we should cherish every moment and not squander the opportunity for spiritual practice. Buddhism is our guide in life, the beacon of our hearts, guiding us through life's tumultuous waves towards the shores of wisdom, light, tranquility, and security. • This world is often filled with noise and turmoil, causing agitation. In the midst of this chaos, let us reflect on the warning of the evening drum and maintain inner peace, even amidst the clamor. This is not only an act of self-love and care but also an expression of compassion and concern for others. • Let us continue our diligent practice, drawing closer to the homeland of our hearts and guiding our lives with the wisdom of the Dharma. Only then can we find true happiness in this limited time and pass it on to other sentient beings.