Fishing with a Plusinno Telescopic Rod and Reel


I needed a rod and reel to easily carry so I decided to try the Plusinno Telescopic Fishing Rod and Reel Combo from Amazon. The rod comes in different sizes and I chose one that expands to almost 7ft. My first impression of the Plusinno rod was that it was a little top heavy when expanded but I got used to that fairly quickly. The rod feels like it is medium action with medium to medium heavy power, with enough sensitivity for finesse fishing. The Plusinno spinning reel has a compact form factor, comparable to a 2000 size, and is surprisingly smooth for a fairly inexpensive rod and reel combo. I have several rod and reels and although this one will not be my everyday rod and reel choice, it will certainly have a place in my arsenal as it is so easy to throw in a car, a backpack or a suitcase. I have left a link below to this product on Amazon if you want to check it out. I am not being paid to promote this product. •


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