Do Aquarium Snails Eat Live Plants
Hi guys, as a family we had some fun with this video, its a bit of fun and tongue in cheek but we do cover our experience with a range of aquarium snails we keep and if aquarium snails eat healthy aquarium plants. We hope it puts a smile on at least someones face in these difficult times. Love all you guys, appreciate the amazing support our little group of subscribers provide us! • Some of the snails we keep in our fish room include: • 1) Giant Ramshorn Ramshorn Snails - Marisa cornuarietis • 2) Rabbit Snails - Tylomelania • 3) White Wizard Snails - Filopaludina martensi • 4) Ramshorn Snails - Planorbidae • 5) Nerite Snails - Neritina natalensis • 6) Assassin Snail - Clea Helena • Website: • Facebook: / • Instagram: / aqua_diction • #snails #aquariumsnails #doaquariumsnailseatplants #giantramshornsnails #rabbitsnails #ramshornSnails #aquariumplants