FalconCam Project 06112024 1708
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/ falconcamproject • This site is about a family of peregrine falcons using a nest box in a water tower at Charles Sturt Unversity, Orange, New South Wales, Australia. The adult female is Diamond and the male is Xavier. • NEWS 3rd November • The nestlings (Yira, the larger female and Garrama, male*) are now 29 and 30 days old and doing very well. Prey is coming in now less often, but the meals are larger and they are starting to self-feed. Here the pair are enjoying a pigeon while Diamond watches until she takes over. • Video: • FalconCam 2024 11 03 Siblings sharing... • They are now starting to moult and show their juvenile plumage and will be quite different looking in a week. • Hatch # 1 at 0024 h, 4th October • Hatch # 2 at 0535 h, 5th October • The third egg failed to hatch; it is probably unfertilised as has happened before. • Both nestlings are strong and healthy, able to hold their heads up high and are eating well. • Please don't fret if one seems to get more food than the other. The one • closest will get fed first, then the other. There is plenty of prey, so both get fed eventually. This video is a good example • FalconCam 2024 10 10 Nestlings gorge ... • EGG LAYING 2024 • Egg # 1 at 1208 h, 27/8 • Egg # 2 at 2357 h, 29/8 gap 60 hour • Egg # 3 at 1012 h 1/9 gap 58 hour • • RESOURCES • The first research paper on observations from this site has been published by myself in the journal Corella. Available on the website: https://falconcam.csu.edu.au/2023/10/... • • DONATIONS FalconCam is funded through donations and these can be made via the CSU shop https://falcon.shop.csu.edu.au. However, donations are currently not needed as we have sufficient funds. Thanks for your generosity • LINKS • BLOG and WEBSITE can be accessed here: https://science-health.csu.edu.au/fal... • OTHER CAMS and VIDEOS can be accessed via this address: • / falconcampr. . • GENERAL INFORMATION This is a project studying the diet and use of a nest box of a family of peregrines since 2007. The cams go right through the year and are in daily use. More information can be found below the chat rules. • • HISTORY The birds have been observed using the tower (a working water tower) since 2007, breeding in the box since 2008, with an average of 2.8 eggs per clutch and 1.5 fledges per season. • • The parents' names are Diamond (female) and Xavier (male). Diamond took over from the older Swift in 2015 and Xavier replaced Bula in 2016 (who in turn replaced our first male, Beau, in 2015). Xavier arrived just as the eggs were hatching and saved the season by providing for Diamond and her three chicks. Assuming that they were at least two years old when they arrived, Diamond is at least eleven years old and Xavier nine (in 2024). • The male is 15-20% smaller than the female, has fewer spots on the chest and has brighter yellow-orange talons and beak. The birds do not migrate and courtship rituals and some scrape (nest) building continues throughout the year, intensifying, along with food bringing by the male, in July and August. Eggs are laid usually in late August, with chicks hatching in early October and fledging in mid-November. The youngsters often stay around as late as March being taught to hunt by their parents, and often visiting the nest in the tower, so there is much to watch even out of the main breeding season. One male juvenile stayed until August the following year when his parents blocked his entrance to the box and he took the hint. • INFORMATION ABOUT THE RESEARCH? • Contact the principal researcher Cilla Kinross on [email protected]