Asma Ul Husna 5 Times 99 Names of ALLAH


#allahﷻ #prophetmuhammadpbuh #asmaulhusna99 #99namesofallah #islamispeace • Calling on ALLAH through Asma Ul Husna is a gateway towards attainment of epitome of goodness. Seeking of bounties like mercy, forgiveness, protection, health, honor, job, earning, marriage, children etc. can surely be achieved with having core belief in ALLAH and calling upon Him through His most beautiful names. • Quran say about 99 names of Allah ( وَلِلّٰهِ اَلاسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها) And all names are suitable for Allah and call him by that name. • As Prophet (pubh) said whoever remembers these (Asma ul Husna) he will surely be in heaven. (bukhari shreef 2736) • Which is also known as the secrets of Al-Asma-ul-Husna. We as Muslims believe that the names of Allah have so many benefits for us. Muslims recite Allah's names daily in their prayers for protection, good health, comfort, wealth, remove poverty, success, attain respect, acceptance of supplication, etc. • A believer should recite these 99 names when he prays to Allah SWT so that the prayer is accepted quickly. • The more we learn about our Lord, the more we increase in faith on Allah Almighty. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said the following about the Asmaul Husna: “Allah has 99 names. Whoever memorizes and embraces (ihsa) these qualities will enter heaven” (Bukhari).


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