Brian Steel Proffer via ThuggerDaily Lil Woody George Chidi and Juge Glanvilles Mess
A QUICK update on Brian Steel's Proffer from TODAY, Day 100 of the YSL trial, which is now paused (Here's a recap of everything that happened at today's conference: • YSL trial PAUSED | Judge Glanville to... ) • • We will look at key parts of the 114-page proffer filed by Steel today, as well as George Chidi's report from inside the courtroom on June 7th and Woody wanted to plead the 5th. • • • At 7pm EST, I will be co-hosting to discuss the transcripts and other YSL trial updates with Dear Woke Christian: • • • #YSL #Youngthug #YSLTrial #briansteel #judgeglanville #lilwoody