Dart Installation and setting up visual studio code Dart Course 2
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Dart Installation in Windows. • To install dart in our workstation, we need to download the dart-SDK. Search dart SDK in google, click the first link. It will navigate to dartlang website, tools/SDK. Scroll down and click dart SDK installer for windows. We can find two links, one which has a fully tested, stable production release and another version, which gives early access to new features. Click the second link, since we are going to learn. • dart. Exe installer file started downloading. • Open the dart.exe installer. The Dart.exe installer comes with the pub. Which is the package manager for the dart. • Accept the license agreement. • Click Next. • Select the installation location and click next. • Click Next and click install. Now the dart SDK will start downloading. • Click next and finish. • In my case and for you also if you didn’t change the default path, the dart Got installed in the program files folder. Now navigate to C drive. Program files, then to Dart folder, Then to dart-SDK. • Now we will add this address in the path variable in environment variables. • To do that, open the start menu and enter my pc. Right-click on “This PC”, and select Properties. Now click Advanced system settings. Click environment variables in the system properties pane. • Copy the dart-SDK bin location. • Now select the path, in the user variables section, and click edit. Now click add and enter the dart-SDK bin location. Click ok, ok ok. • Now open the command prompt by entering cmd in the start menu. • Now enter the pub to check whether the pub package manager installed successfully. • Now we will install the stagehand package with the pub package manager. We will be using stagehand in the coming lessons. • To install the stagehand package, enter pub global (here global to install this package globally) activate the stagehand. Now your stagehand got installed successfully. • #Dart #installation #free_course