Liver Function TestsIII Test for Detoxification Reaction Hippuric acid Test MEGX Test
Hippuric acid Synthesis Test: • The liver detoxicates benzoic acid by reacting it with glycine to form hippuric acid which is excreted in urine. The liver is able to synthesize sufficient glycine to conjugate with benzoic acid to form hippuric acid. • The test should begin at least 3 hours after a light breakfast. The patient empties the bladder and drinks sodium benzoate in about 200 ml of water. Urine is collected for a period of 4 hours from the time of ingestion of sodium benzoate. The amount of hippuric acid excreted is determined. • In normal persons, 60 per cent of the benzoic acid taken should be excreted as hippuric acid. The excreted should be 4.5 grams. Smaller quantities are excreted in acute or chronic liver damage. • #hippuricacid #MEGX #lft #pkprabhakar • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: VLDL IDL LDL Metabolism • • VLDL IDL LDL Metabolism • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~