How to Become an Orthodontist Braces Dr Nathan
I wanted to share my journey of becoming an Orthodontist. Although there are a few ways to become an Orthodontist mine was pretty typical. • The basic idea is after High School you take 3-5 years of college undergrad classes. You then take the DAT exam during that time and that along with your undergrad grades determine if you can become a Dentist. • Once you study for an additional 4 years you become a Dentist. If you want to specialize in Orthodontics, Oral Surgery etc you need an additional 3-6 years of grad school. So after it's all said and done I studied for 12 years to become an Orthodontist. • If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. • Did you think it would take that long to become an Orthodontist? • Make sure to subscribe for new videos weekly, or else you are doomed to have a crooked smile for the rest of your life! 😅 • / thrivedentist • / thrivedentistry • / thrivedentistry • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • More information at • #orthodontist #career #bestjob