FORTNITE DANCE CHALLENGE IN REAL LIFE BY EH BEE FAMILY! Make sure to check them out! / ehbeefamily • Check out this video as well! • Fortnite - Dance Challenge | Fortni... • If you have any problem with this video on my channel: send me a email and I will remove the video, vo need for copyright strikes etc. All I try to do is entertain people :) • Don't forget to join the giveaway! All you need to do is: • Like the video • Subscribe to me • Turn on notifications (so you know if you have won) • Comment #DONE • Good luck! Giveaway ends in less than 2 weeks! • • Ninja and Donald trump playing Fortnite! • Ninja and Donald Trump Play Duos! For... • Fortnite Battle Royale is a free to play game in which you need to find weapons and collect resources in order to become the last man standing! Eliminate all other players to become the final player alive! Even though Fortnite is a free to play game you can buy in game currencies to purchase cool looking skins, pickaxes and gliders! • Fortnite has grown to one of the biggest games of 2018. On YouTube people make a lot of content about the game. Ninja, the biggest and most famous player of the game has already broken a twitch record and is now also growing insanely fast on the YouTube platform! Videos such as fortnite funny moments, glitches and fails also manage to reach a large audience! Also a big success are Fortnite tips and tricks videos. A lot of people watch Ninja and Myth in order to learn more about the game and how to build fast in Fortnite for example. Fortnite is constantly updating their game, such as implementing the new 20v20 gamemode or for example making fortnite available on your phone! • Look at these new fortnite dances, these leaked fortnite dances in real life. I like to upload fortnite dances + their real life references :) • Zany dance in real life, Dip dance/emote in real life, Star Power Dance in real life, Snap dance/emote in real life and take 14 dance/emote in real life! All the new leaked dances/emotes in real life!