Cladun X2 OST Underworld 8Bit
Hey everyone for this review I take on Cladun Returns This is Sengoku for PS4, Pc, and Vita. This is a dungeon crawler with a few twists to make it stand out. The third game in the Cladun series features a action oriented battle system over a more turn based one along with some other differences. • This game was provided by the publisher for the purpose of this review. • My reviews are 100% unbiased and I will never do one unless I am confident enough to do so. I use a scale of 1 - 10 with 5 being a average game. Many professional reviewers use 7 as a average game which I find is more of a trick to convince you the consumer that a game is better then it really is. • Check out my stuff on • Facebook • / cornshaq • • / cornshaq • Twitter • / cornshaq • Instagram • / cornshaq • Steam Group • #cornshaq #gamereview #playstation #nintendo #videogamereview #videogames #review #reviewer #gamereviewer #ps4 #ps4review #ps4games #ps4gamer #ps4pro