quotEggmans announcementquot in Sonic X EXPLICIT LANGUAGE

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=dlQH9I9b7yQ

#sonic #eggman • Hello to whoever is reading this. • While I was watching Sonic X for the first time a few weeks ago for a project involving getting into the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise (Yes, that is why a couple of my videos are related to Sonic), I was intrigued to find out that part of the show would have episodes based around the Adventure games. • When seeing the Eclipse Cannon shoot the moon, I was immediately wondering if someone made a video of “Eggman’s Announcement” (A highlight from a video series called “Real-Time Fan-dubs” where some voice actors dub and improvise the dialogue as specific characters) with footage from Sonic X. • As you can see by the title and the video itself, due to the intense amount of swearing and detail imagery explained by Eggman, this video is definitely NOT suitable for any young audience or if anyone is sensitive to curse words. I’m still not certain on how or what my channel will be like, but I often don’t swear, so this might be my only video where I put in a disclaimer. But anyway, back to the topic here in the description. • At first, I didn’t see any videos and I was confused since this seemed like something someone would make. But while and after editing, I found one done by “Me and My Little Big Mouth” made over a year ago, and two recent ones by “ColossusSteppes” and “TodoTodo Likes you”. Just thought I’d shout them out since they deserve something for making this perfect combination. • SOURCES: • Original video:    • Sonic Adventure 2 (Dark Story + Final...   • Song used:    • OSC - Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (8 Bit) - ...   • These will also be the end cards cause these guys really deserve it. Yes even SnapCube. Despite how big the channel, the dubbers were the ones who created this gem. • Thank you for reading all the way here. Hope you enjoy, or if you’ve seen it already, hope you’ve enjoyed it.


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