Princess Celestia Being Deep ♫ Mary France ♫
First off: Thank for watch thing! I don't usually say this, but I have to to make the next thing have better context. The above video you just watched was parodied by the super cool SFM animator Argodaemon, and it's totally awesome and you should totally watch it: • • Luna's Banishment - Deep Edition [SFM] • With that, below is everything the description was before the above happened. • • This is known as Absolute deep by scientists, a level of deep so high that it is physically impossible to go any higher without delving into an unknown or even nonexistent plane, one that this example of absolute deep is even rumoured to touch. Physicists dating back centuries tried to achieve such a level of deep with little to no success, many deaths were involved and their tales were only passed down at varying levels, the people who lived to tell the tale didn't live too much longer. Being this deep takes a miracle, and also a person who for some reason decided to spell the word Hallelujah with a 'J' in it. What why? Why would you do that? What even, I mean, I guess that's because it's from a different language or at least different speaking habits, might as well call Jerusalem Yaruselem and Banjo Kazooie Banyo Kazooie , you know what, let's just replace every J ever with a Y. That'll make things less confusing and also funny at the same time, and that's always nice. • Oh, right, I digressed a little bit. Ah well. • Song is Mary France by Jean Jacques Perrey, here's a link to the whole album it's from, cuz that's where I got it from and also the other music is good and also it's the first song on the thing: • • Jean Jacques Perrey - The Amazing New... • • [TIME TRAVEL SOUND EFFECT] • Hi, it's me from the future, you may or may not've noticed there used to be two different versions of this video uploaded, and that's changed now. If you care about the original old not-as-betterly-synced version, here's a link: • • Princess Celestia Being Deep (Old) • I'm only leaving its existence in just because of historical reasons, and comments and views and stuff is all saved, and you know. In any case, I'm off. • [TIME TRAVEL ENDING SOUND EFFECT] • • While we're on the subject of deepness, this is very deep into the description. What crazy person would delve so deep into such a place, ain't that right fellow reader? In any case, as a reward for shoving your head so far down a dirt hole full of words here's some blue ones that lead to my various thing things, such as my Twitter, Facebook Page, and Tumblr if you're at all curious: • / vivareverie • / immatoonlink • / vivareverie