Bio Bidet Bliss BB 2000 Remote Control Review and Walkthrough


The remote control for the Bio Bidet Bliss BB-2000 bidet seat can be a bit complicated to use. In this walkthrough, you will learn the ins and outs of how the Bio Bidet Bliss BB-2000 remote controller works. You'll learn about some problems the Bio Bidet BB-2000 bidet seat control has, as well as details on what the BB-2000 remote does well. Along with all of the above, we'll go through each button on the remote for the BB-2000, and explain what it does, as well as break down the icons on the screen of the Bio Bidet BB-2000's remote, so you can fully understand how to operate one of our most popular seats. • Confused and need help picking a bidet? Get our ebook! • Don't forget to Subscribe for the latest reviews, compares, install tips, troubleshooting, and giveaways: • Visit our site: • Need help deciding? Check out our quiz: • We hope this will help! • Don't forget to Subscribe for the latest reviews, compares, and giveaways: • Useful Links Info: • Phone: (Call or Text): 248-974-4030 • Email: [email protected] • In-depth compares: • Testimonials: • Learn about us: • Bio Bidet Bliss BB-2000: • Hello, this is Daniel, owner of many • I want to take a moment and talk about the Bio Bidet Bliss BB-2000 remote control. This remote control is very feature heavy, but the icons on the remote aren't necessarily super intuitive. I'd like to take a moment and talk about each of the options on the remote so that you have a feel for what they are. • The first button which looks like a square on the remote is the stop button, that one's pretty self-explanatory. The next button over, looks like a cute little “w”, that's actually supposed to be a butt and water shooting up at the butt, that's your rear wash. Guys and gals we both use the rear wash, that's when we've done number two and we need to clean up after. This other icon next to it that's supposed to be a lady in a skirt or a dress with water coming up. Indicating the front wash or the feminine wash. We have stop, rear wash, front wash and then this last button over here this is going to be your dryer. This icon is designed to look like a fan, fan for blowing air and drying. The next button here again a, “w” or two butt cheeks and a single stream up that's your enema wash. The enema wash on the BB-2000 is a thin pointed stream, with a spin on it and so that's the enema wash button, on the far side of the remote, right under the stop button. Next we have arrows going left and right and what looks like a little battery under it. That little battery looking logo is supposed to be the nozzle and pressing this button will oscillate the nozzle back and forth. It's important to note that oscillates the nozzle front to back and back to front, not side to side so that's important to note. Auto does a wash followed by a dry. The dry cycle may not be quite long enough so you may need to run the dry cycle a second time. Just a warning but that auto button runs a wash followed by a dry. Then over here on the far side of the remote what looks like a screen with lines coming out of it, that's your deodorizer button. You're turning the deodorizer on means that when you sit down on the seat, the seat pulls any of the air from inside the bowl through the deodorizer. When you turn it off the deodorizer doesn't kick on when you sit down. You've got your plus and minus buttons here, this controls the water pressure. So, minus and plus, plus and minus. Between those buttons you have some squiggly lines with a little thermometer on it, that's going to set the water temperature. So you're going to press that: the water temperature is going to go up... so low, press it again medium, press it again high and then the third time or the fourth time that you press it it's going to turn off. Then of course start over when you press that button again. It's also important to note on the screen, you have three bars next to the thermometer sign. It's going to go one... two... three… and then none of the bars are going to show, that's going to tell you what temperature it's set at. It's also important to note up here we have logos or icons for the other options that we talked about. • 00:00 Introduction • 00:03 Introduction to the BB-2000 remote review • 00:30 Review of the BB-2000 remote control • 06:04 Downsides to the remote • 06:43 Closing statement


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