How to Make Slaked Lime With Fire and Limestone


Just like when talking to beekeepers, beer brewers, or any of a number of simple skills -- the basics of what I am about to talk about are simple, but the chemistry rapidly gets complicated -- but if you just want a simple quicklime or slaked lime realize that this level of tech was well known even before the ancient romans -- so it is definitely something modern man can accomplish. • First, understand that there are two types of lime quicklime and hydrated lime. • Quicklime is made by heating calcium carbonate (limestone, marble, chalk, shells, etc.) to a temperature of around 1000°C for several to burn or calcimine it. Quicklime is a strong base so it is unstable and can be hazardous. To make it less dangerous, water is added to slake it. This is also known as hydrated lime. • The first time I saw this process on YouTube, I was amazed -- water makes the burned limestone crumble to bits -- it looks like it is melting. • Website Link: • 52 Prepper Projects:


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