Crash Dive
Crash Bandicoot The Movie, starring Crash and friends in a series of animations and cutscenes. • The Crash Bandicoot Movie features adventures, racing, and shorts. • It's about time Crash gets his full movie. You thought Mario and Sonic had it good, Crash's movie is way longer than both of them, being almost close to 3 hours of length in the order of feeling like an animated movie. Just like the other video game movies, the audio is balanced. • The cutscenes from the older games have now been upscaled to 1080p. If you ever remember watching the cutscenes from Nitro Kart and Twinsanity, they were low resolution. Now, they are completely in high definition for viewing pleasure. The Radical Entertainment games and Wrath of Cortex are also upscaled. While Skylanders was already HD, it was also upscaled with the other old games. The rest are unchanged as they were already high quality. • The cutscenes from Crash Nitro Kart are completely edited to include both Team Bandicoot and Team Cortex as if they were in the same location at all times. This is because some of the cutscenes are the exact same for both teams. Most people would probably just watch one of the teams, since the other one would be repetitive. There's a few cutscenes that aren't shown. • To explain on the ending, Team Bandicoot wins and then teleports away, so now Team Cortex can get the scepter's power, which is why Velo stops them since they aren't the winners. • For Crash Twinsanity, I only included half of the in-game cutscenes that progress the story. Because of that, instead of 30 minutes, you have 15 minutes of cutscenes. I had it set like that so it can be more cinematic and to move on to the next Crash game. All CGI cutscenes are still there. • The Soccer Animation comes from the official Crash Bandicoot Twitter account. • But it didn't have any music or sound effects. So I added a music track to make it more lively. • List of Crash Bandicoot Video Game Movies: • Crash Nitro Kart • Crash Twinsanity • Crash Tag Team Racing • Crash of the Titans • Crash: Mind over Mutant • Crash Bandicoot Unused Cartoon Cutscene • Skylanders: Imaginators • Crash TTR Gags Ramas • Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy • Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled • Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time • Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex • Crash CTR TV Grand Prix Intros • Halloween Short Film • Thanksgiving Short Film • Idle Animation Contest • Twitter Soccer Animation • [Music: High Seas Hi-Jinks] • Crash Intro (Trilogy / CTR: NF / Crash 4) • Crash Credits (Trilogy CTR) • Crash Bandicoot will return... • List of Crash Bandicoot characters in the movie: • Crash Bandicoot • Dr. Neo Cortex • Dr. Nitrus Brio • Tawna • Aku Aku • Papu Papu • Ripper Roo • Koala Kong • Pinstripe Potoroo • Coco Bandicoot • Dr. N. Gin • Komodo Brothers • Komodo Joe Moe • Polar (Bear) • Pura (Tiger) • Fake Crash • Uku Uku • Tiny Tiger • Dingodile • Dr. N. Tropy • Nitros Oxide • Penta Penguin • Crunch Bandicoot • N. Trance • Zem Zam • Emperor Velo XXVII • Krunk • Nash • Norm • Big Norm • Geary • Mecha-Bandicoot • Evil Twins (Victor Moritz) • Tikimon • Nina Cortex • Madame Amberly • Evil Crash • Spyro the Dragon • Ebenezer Von Clutch • Pasadena O'Possum • Willie Wumpa Cheeks • Carbon Crash • Spike the Titan • #CrashBandicoot #Movie #Crash4 #GameAtHeart • • Subscribe to GameAtHeart and click the bell to get notified for more videos: My videos are our original creations and I use a lot of my creative input when creating them. I make videos such as transformative instructional video game guides, let's play, and walkthroughs which sometimes include my commentary. All gameplay is my own is recorded and edited solely by me. Permission to upload each game was provided by the game publisher.