Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen French Revolution Part 4
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • The long-awaited fourth installment of my French Revolution series addresses the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, which was passed by the National Assembly in 1789. The Declaration outlines the principles of the French Revolution, giving us a picture of both what the revolutionaries were seeking and also a preview of where the Revolution was heading. I present the Declaration of the Rights of Man as a dialogue between Thomas Jefferson and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, as both Jeffersonian liberalism and Rousseau's radical democracy are both evident in the document. • This lecture is designed for students taking courses in AP European History and Western Civilization, but should also meet the needs of advanced high school students and lifelong learners. • This is part of my French Revolution lecture series, which you may access here: • The French Revolution and Napoleon Pl...